How To Increase Your Blog Traffic Without SEO

One of the hardest things for most bloggers is boosting their blog traffic. If you have a fairly new blog, it’s definitely a daunting task. The no. 1 reason most bloggers quit is because they don’t see any growth in their traffic. If you’re one among them, this article is for you! We’ll discuss a few growth-hacking tips to grow your blog trafficwithout actually doing any SEO. Using Content Upgrades to Boost your Email listWhether you agree it or not, email list is golden. Having a list of hungry email subscribers is an asset for every blogger. Having an email list will not only increase your blog traffic but it will also boost your sales and trust with the readers. Email list is the second biggest traffic source for Neil Patel’s QuickSprout blog. And for most bloggers the same is true – email list is their top traffic source! So why not invest your time wisely on building an email list instead of focusing on SEO? Instead of trying all the list building strategies under the sun, it’s better to go for one crazy idea that increases your list. Content upgrade is one such list building strategy that helps your boost your subscribers quickly. What is a content upgrade?A content upgrade is an extra bonus that is extremely relevant to your post topic. For instance, if you’ve a popular blog post titled “10 ways to supercharge your SEO”, you could create something like “on- page SEO checklist” to use as a content upgrade to boost your email list.How using content upgrades can triple your email list?Content upgrades are usually given away for free to the blog visitors in exchange of their emails. Content upgrades are extremely specific. Hence, they convert really well. If you want to convert normal website visitors into subscribers, start using content upgrades. Do they work? Yes, they do. Brian Dean gives away a post-specific resource on one of his most popular posts. Did you know that he got a whopping 785% increase in conversions (compared to the previous month). seo4 That’s A LOT, right? That’s the reason why you need to start focusing on creating content upgrades for your top performing posts or pages.So how to create content upgrades to increase your overall email list and traffic? First off, find out five top- performing posts on your blog. Create a list of posts that got more comments and shares. Also use Google Analytics to find out the top pages that are sending you more traffic from search engines. Once you’ve the list of popular contents on your blog, you now need to create content upgrades. You can create a bonus, checklist, video or anything that adds more value to the current post. And you can use tools like LeadPages, SumoMe etc to create content upgrades on your blog posts or pages to grab more email subscribers.If you have any recommendation or idea on how to double sites traffics, you can share below befor you leave! Thanks.
